Getting started
GDPR - Customer Accounts will help you comply with the European Union’s GDPR regarding the protection of customer data by adding a deletion button. This allows your customers to order their account’s deletion without your intervention.
Installing the app
Go to the Shopify App Store
Install the app
Access it through the Apps section of your Shopify Store
Subscription plans
Your Shopify subscription determines the type of plan you have access to.
- Customer data redaction in customer account
- Customize privacy policy in checkout (Shopify Plus)
- Customer Data Redaction in customer account
- Customizable privacy policy in checkout (Shopify Plus)
- Third-party integration with Klaviyo and Gorgias
- Customer Data Redaction in customer account
- Customizable privacy policy in checkout (Shopify Plus)
- Third-party integration with Klaviyo and Gorgias
- Multi-criteria scheduled ans manual mass anonymization
- Mass anonymization by file import
- Customer data redaction in customer account
- Customize privacy policy in checkout (Shopify Plus)
- Customer Data Redaction in customer account
- Customizable privacy policy in checkout (Shopify Plus)
- Third-party integration with Klaviyo and Gorgias
- Customer Data Redaction in customer account
- Customizable privacy policy in checkout (Shopify Plus)
- Third-party integration with Klaviyo and Gorgias
- Multi-criteria scheduled ans manual mass anonymization
- Mass anonymization by file import
In the configuration section of the app, you can modify multiple features.
Customizing the account deletion button
The account deletion button allows your customers to delete their account without your intervention. To enable the deletion button:
Go to GDPR Customer AccountsConfiguration
In Customer Deletion Button, go to the Account Deletion Button section
Tick the box Enable the Customer Data Deletion Button
↪ Choosing the type of call to action
When implementing the button, choose the type of call to action between a button and a hyperlink.
↪ Personalizing the text
In the configuration section of the app, you can customize the texts related to data deletion.
To translate the text into different languages, go to setting up your language preferences.
Data deletion request text
The data deletion request text corresponds to the text written on the button located on the customer account.
Data deletion request cancel text
The data deletion request cancel text refers to the text that is displayed to customers when they cancel a request.
Data deletion request confirmation text
The data deletion request confirmation text refers to the message that is sent to customers to confirm that their personal data will be deleted from your store, as requested.
The {date} and {days} placeholders can be used to apply the final deletion date and the number of days.
Data deletion request cancellation confirmation text
The data deletion request cancellation confirmation text is a message displayed on the customer account page to confirm that their request to cancel a data deletion request has been received and processed.
After installing the Data Privacy Policy Consent checkbox in your theme, customize the confirmation popup that will appear went triggering the deletion button.
To translate the text in different languages, go to Setting your languages preferences:
Scroll down to Confirmation Popup
Tick the box Request Customer Confirmation to enable the Customer Confirmation Popup
Enter your customized text in the Confirmation Popup Title field
Enter your customized text in the Confirmation Popup Message field
↪ Button text
Enter your customized text in the Confirmation Button Text field
↪ Cancel button text
Enter your customized text in the Cancel Button field
Adding the application block to your theme
To add the Deletion Account Button, which will allow your customers to delete their account without your intervention, you will need to modify the template of your online store.
Go to GDPR Customer AccountsConfiguration
Tick the box Enable the Customer Data Deletion button (see Configuring Customer Deletion Button)
Go to Sales channelOnline Store
In the Themes section, click Customize
Click Home page at the top of the page
In the drop-down list, select Classic Customer Accounts Customer Account
Log in to any customer account
In the Customer account side panel, go to Template > Apps and click Add block
In the apps section, select GDPR - Customer Accounts
The button is now added. You can customize the button as well as the pop-up confirmation window. To learn how, go to Configuring the customer deletion button.
Applying the Privacy Policy Agreement (Shopify Plus)
The Privacy Policy Agreement checkbox is a feature is only available for Plus plan subscriptions.
Displaying the Privacy Policy Agreement checkbox (Shopify Plus)
In case the Privacy Policy Agreement checkbox is not displayed in the checkout, you must add it to the template.
Go to Sales channel > Online Store
In the Themes section, click Customize
In the drop-down list, select Checkout and new customer accounts
In the Checkout side panel, click Add app block
Select GDPR Checkout Customer Accounts
Checkout behavior (Shopify Plus)
Blocking checkout order
The purpose of blocking checkout orders is to prevent the ordering process when there is missing or invalid information.
Go to the sales channelOnline Store
Click on the Themes section and Customize
Click Home page at the top of the page
In the drop-down list, select Checkout
Click on the GDPR - Customer Accounts app block on the checkout page of the template
Tick the checkbox Allow app to block checkout
Including the app block in Shop Pay
The GDPR - Customer Agreement checkbox will appear in Shop Pay. To display it:
Go to the sales channelOnline Store
Click on the Themes section and Customize
Click Home page at the top of the page
In the drop-down list, select Checkout
Click on the GDPR - Customer Accounts app block on the checkout page of the template
Tick the checkbox Include app block in Shop Pay
Removing the app block (Shopify Plus)
Go to the sales channelOnline Store
Click on the Themes section and Customize
Click Home pageat the top of the page
In the drop-down list, select Checkout
Click on the GDPR - Customer Accounts app block on the checkout page of the template
Click on Remove app block
Configuring the Data Privacy Policy (Shopify Plus)
Customizing Data Privacy Policy Consent checkbox
↪ Checkbox label
After installing the Data Privacy Policy Consent checkbox in your theme, customize the text that will appear next to the checkbox.
To translate the text in different languages, go to Setting your languages preferences:
Go to GDPR Customer AccountsConfiguration
Go to the Data Privacy Policy section
In the sidebar component next to the Checkbox label, type your text
↪ Error message
You can customize the text that appears if the customer doesn’t check the Privacy Policy Consent checkbox.
To translate the text into different languages, go to Setting your languages preferences:
In the sidebar component next to Error message if customer doesn’t check the checkbox, type your text
Customizing the Data Privacy Policy Pop-in
In addition to the Privacy Policy Consent checkbox, you can add a pop-in that will be displayed when the customer clicks on the privacy policy link.
↪ Enabling the pop-in
Tick the checkbox next to Enable the pop-in
↪ Customizing the privacy policy link
Next to Link to the privacy policy, type your text
↪ Selecting the policies to display
In this section, you can select or deselect 4 types of policies to display on your checkout page:
Privacy Policy
Terms of service
Refund Policy
Shipping Policy
To add or remove them:
Go to GDPR Customer AccountsConfiguration
Go to the Data Privacy Pop-in section
Tick the checkbox of the policy you want to add
↪ Enabling the custom privacy policy
Tick the checkbox next to Enable the Custom Privacy Policy
Write your custom privacy policy in the text zone below
Mass anonymization
In the Mass Anonymization section, you can anonymize your customers' data in bulk.
To do this, you can choose between an anonymization by criteria or by file import.
Anonymization by criteria
Create anonymization by criteria
Anonymization by criteria allows you to anonymize your customers according to one or more defined criteria.
In the Anonymization by criteria section, click on Create a new configuration
Choose whether to enable the configuration or not and name it
Determine the time period before the final anonymization of customers
Define the anonymization criteria:
Enter the number of days since the customer's last order
Indicate the tags of the affected customer accounts
Select a Klaviyo segment that contains the affected customers
To do this, you need to integrate the app with your Klaviyo account from the Configuration section. Once done, create a segment in Klaviyo by adding your anonymization conditions.
To learn how to create a segment in Klaviyo, check out their documentation.
Check the box Repeat every X days if you want this anonymization to be automated and indicate its frequency
Click on Save
The last order number must be older than 179 days, as per Shopify's rules. By default, Shopify does not delete personal data when the customer has placed an order in the last six months (180 days), in case a chargeback occurs.
Start anonymization by criteria
An anonymization can be started manually only if it is not set to automatic.
To launch an anonymization:
In the anonymization by criteria table, locate the line of the anonymization you want to launch and click on the green arrow
Click on Start
You can view the status of this anonymization from the execution history.
Mass anonymization is not immediate. It becomes effective after a number of days that you can configure corresponding to the “effective date” column in the execution history section. Before this date, you can cancel a mass anonymization.
To cancel an anonymization request, go to the execution history.
View anonymization by criteria
It is possible to access all the information of each configuration from the Anonymization by criteria section.
You get information about:
Name: given to the configuration when it was created
Active: whether the configuration is running or not
Status: the result of the configuration execution
Success: an anonymization request could be made for all clients
Warning: an anonymization request could not be made for one or more clients
Failed: no anonymization request could be made
Periodicity: the frequency with which the anonymization is repeated
Next execution
Last execution
Delay before final anonymization
Mass anonymization is not immediate. It becomes effective after a number of days that you can configure corresponding to the “effective date” column in the execution history section. Before this date, you can cancel a mass anonymization.
Anonymization by file import
Create and start an anonymization by file import
Anonymization by file import allows you to anonymize your customers from a file containing the email addresses of the customers to be anonymized.
In the Anonymization by file import section, enter the number of days before the final anonymization of the customers
Download the example csv file. It is possible to modify it with Excel or another text editor
Enter the email addresses of the customers you want to anonymize
Save the edited file and import it into the application by clicking on add files or dragging it
Preview the customers you are about to anonymize
Activate the anonymization request by clicking on Start
File import anonymization is not immediate. It becomes effective after a number of days that you can configure corresponding to the “effective date” column in the execution history section. Before this date, you can cancel a file import anonymization.
View anonymization by file import
You can view the anonymization by file import in the Execution History section.
Execution history
The execution history lists all anonymizations by criteria and by file import.
You have information about:
During the period before the effective date you configured, you can cancel a mass anonymization.
Monitoring accounts’ deletion
Analyzing data over time
You can analyze the statistics of the requests and deletion of accounts with the graphs available on the homepage of the App.
The time frame selected applies to both graphs.
Number of requests
The number of requests graph corresponds to the number of customers who proceeded to click on the Deletion Account button over the different periods possible below and validated their request.
There's a distinction between the requests and the actual deletion process. The deletion process is not immediate and occurs 10 days after the request. (See Number of Deletions)
To determine a period:
Go to the home page
Click on the calendar under Anonymization Requests
Set your custom time period using the calendar or enter dates manually
Click Apply
The chart displays two curves: one for the selected period and one for the previous period.
Number of deletions
The number of deletions graph shows the number of accounts deleted during the different periods possible below.
There's a distinction between the requests and the actual deletion process. The deletion process is not immediate and occurs 10 days after the request. (See Number of Requests)
To determine a period:
Go to the home page
Click on the calendar under Anonymization Requests
Set your custom time period using the calendar or enter dates manually
Click Apply
The chart displays two curves: one for the selected period and one for the previous period.
Tracking the deletion requests
Status of requests
From the home page you have access to different information about the customers’ requests.
To access this information easily, you can use different features:
↪ All requests
The All requests view allows you to see all the requests and get information about the:
↪ Pending requests
The Pending requests view allows you to see all the requests and get information about the:
↪ Deleted customer accounts
The Deleted customer requests view allows you to see all the requests and get information about the:
Cancel deletion request
The All requests view gives you the possibility to cancel a deletion request from a customer.
In the Action column, click Cancel
Click Yes in the confirmation window
Configuring the integration with third-party applications
In ConfigurationIntegration with third-party applications, you have the opportunity to integrate platforms such as Klaviyo and Gorgias.
Tick the box Enabling for the solution of your choice. To delete customer information you will need an API key for both applications.
With Klaviyo
Go to ConfigurationIntegration with third-party applications
In the Klaviyo section, tick the box Enable integration with Klaviyo
With Gorgias
Go to ConfigurationIntegration with third-party applications
In the Gorgias section, tick the box Enable integration with Gorgias
Additional third-party applications
If you do not use Klaviyo or Gorgias and you are using another third-party application, contact us.
Configuring the app
Setting up your language preferences
To have multiple languages available in the GDPR app, your store needs to be translated into the expected language(s). You must manually add the languages.
You can find the language preferences in GDPR - Customer App > Configuration, and you will see various tabs corresponding to every language your store is translated into.
If your store is not translated yet, follow the steps to configure the app for each language:
On your Shopify Store Home Page, go to SettingsLanguages
Click Add Language
Choose the language of your choice and click Next
Assign the language to a market, and click on done
Click on Translate (you will need to choose a translation app)
Click on the three dots next to Translate and click on Publish
In GDPR - Customer Accounts Configuration you will see various tabs corresponding to every language your store is translated into
For each tab, tick the checkbox Enable the Customer Data Deletion Button
The buttons and pop-ups are automatically translated from the main language, but you can still customize them by clicking on the tab corresponding to the language.
Configuring the default values of the customer account anonymization
In the configuration section of the app, you can select the default values that will be used for anonymizing. The customized data chosen will be assigned to the anonymized customer’s data.
Customer's data are never deleted from your Shopify store, but they are anonymized compliantly with the RGPD.
Anonymizing identity values
↪ First name
To anonymize the first name of the customers:
Go to Configuration
Go to Customer Account AnonymizationIdentity section
Next to First name, type the text
↪ Last name
To anonymize the last name of the customers:
Next to Last name, type the text
↪ Email
To anonymize the email of the customers:
Next to Email, type the text
↪ Phone
To anonymize the phone numbers of the customers:
Next to Phone, type the numbers
Anonymizing address
↪ Street
To anonymize the street of the customers:
Go to Configuration
Go to Customer Account AnonymizationAddress section
Next to Street, type the text
↪ Postal code
To anonymize the postal code of the customers:
Next to Postal code, type the text
↪ City
To anonymize the city of the customers:
Next to City, type the text
↪ Country
To anonymize the country of the customers:
Next to Country, select one from the list